U District Open Space Forum
Fall of 2014
We co-hosted three well-attended forum events last year to consider community support of, and ideas for public open space throughout our neighborhood as an update to the 2005 plan.
If you care about open space and how our U District will develop over the next 10-30 years, now is the time to engage. Your comments will shape an action plan for development by the City.
The first event focused on priorities and values, the second on physical elements, and the final on pathways to success. The community input from these events will directly influence a revision of the U District parks plan, and any up zone as well.
First Event - October 7, 2014
The first event in the series was well attended (75 people) with representation from our diverse U District community with significant support for a 'centralized public open space' located near the transit station. Public bathrooms, safety, and greenery were among the other popular suggestions.
Click below for a summary of the event and complete listing of the community ideas for our shared urban environment. This will bring you up to speed to make the most of our subsequent events.
Event Summary
Recent Press
The Daily by Chetan Chandrashekhar on October 8, 2014
The Northwest Urbanist by Scott Bonjukian on October 9, 2014
Second Event - October 30, 2014
The second event in the series welcomed a large group (70 people) of community members to listen to Zari Santner, the former director of the Portland Parks Department. We then participated in a lively workshop to identify the qualities and criteria for making great open space in many forms for our neighborhood.
A summary of the extensive results of the event will be posted here as soon as they are released.
Third Event - December 3, 2014
The third event in the series presented the draft version of the priority items to a large group (80 people) of neighbors and community stakeholders.
Final Product - The 2015 Parks Plan Update
2015 U District Parks Plan Update (5,360 kb)
2015 U District Parks Plan Update - Addendum of All Comments (2,138 kb)
2015 Parks Plan Update Presentation (3,850 kb)
Community Endorsements
U District Partnership (UDP) Endorsement of U District Parks Plan Update 2015 (243 kb)
Northeast District Council (NEDC) Endorsement of Central Public Space (209 kb)
U District Community Council (UDCC) Endorsement of Central Public Space (45 kb)
+ Other Endorsements of Central Public Space